poolee asking for advice.
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  1. #1

    poolee asking for advice.

    i just had my second pool validation last week and i improved in both my running and sit ups. my problem is i can usually do 2 pullups and i was only able to do one. i have been given 2 weeks to improve or i will be discharged it will be a major upset to me and to my parents who were both marines.i dont know what i will do if i get discharged. how could i improve my pull ups in 2 weeks?

  2. #2
    Try this workout

    If you cant do full reps do negatives. Starting with your chin above the bar slowly lower you self down while counting to ten. Don't come to a dead hang until you reach ten. I found that this helped a lot when i started doing pull ups. In a few weeks i went from zero to three, then a few weeks later I jumped to five without warning. From my humble experience I would say that you are in a good position to make large improvements if you work hard. its a lot easier to go from two to three than eight to nine. I cant speak to this plan much but I can say that what ever you do you need to have a plan and stick to it. Record what ever you do that way you can track your improvements and if for some reason you don't improve you can at least show your recruiter what you have been doing for the last two weeks.

    Last edited by HookNLadder; 09-15-09 at 12:21 AM. Reason: double links

  3. #3
    Get a bar at home and just go 100% every single time. Like yell if you have to. Push yourself. Have your parents yell at you LOL I bet they would love that.

  4. #4
    http:/ /www.military .com/military-fitness/fitness-test-prep/pullup-push-workout
    here it is again with spaces so that you can atleast read it.

  5. #5
    get the iron gym pullup bar at walmart for ~30$. When you wake up, max your pullups (including the negatives mentioned above). At lunch time max, at dinner max, and when you go to bed max. Another easy way to accomplish is every time you go to the bathroom, max out a set of pullups. It's an easy reminder that you have to do pullups, and you will be doing enough that you should get into shape. Good luck, I would reccomend taking one day off a week, this will ensure that your muscles have time to heal properly to avoid injury.

    If you absolutely are getting no results, get some whey protein and mix it into a shake. Have a planned workout once a day, drink a shake before the workout and after. Even with the planned workout, continue to do the pullups every time you use the bathroom.

  6. #6
    Assisted pull ups and home pull up bar.

    The out of shape Poolees at my RS are really lucky. Anybody who couldn't pass the IST last Saturday was given 90 days to improve to passing or they'd be discharged. 90 days!!!!!

  7. #7

    prescott- Wrap a towel around the pull up bar, Having a wider grip builds some more muscle. Plus it has a psychological effect that when you go do your pull ups on the RS bar, (which generally aren't to thick at all), you'll find it much easier to bat out 1 or 2 more.

  8. #8
    As SabreJack said, cough up $30 and get an IronGym from Wal-Mart and hit that every time you pass under it, as well as just doing Max set of pullups, then pushups, repeat. I went up 2 in a week, no problem.

  9. #9
    Poolee/DEP Free Member Hartford's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Mountain View
    Do curls and rows too if you have weights. It's hard to build up pullups when you can only do 1, so if you can do supplemental workouts it helps break that 1-3 pullup barrier.

  10. #10
    Guest Free Member
    Judging by your ship date you should have been in DEP for a while now. It's honestly a little late for this but if you get a second chance and don't get discharged I would try to go to a gym and do some lat pull downs and various different back workouts with weights to get your back conditioned. You're not going to build muscle just doing negatives and 1 rep of pull ups at a time. You need to tear muscle fibers and actually gain muscle mass on your back. if you do that for a couple weeks you'll be able to get a couple pull ups. then from there you can start working on pull ups and improving that way.

    I have 20 pull-ups now and usually what I do is the Recon Ron pull up program followed by lat pull-downs, rows, and various other workouts. It's hard work but you will get results if you just work hard.

    Edit: Also what you're going to be tempted to do is workout every day, DONT! you need atleast two days to recover from a muscle group or else you'll actually lose strength. Get plenty of rest after a back work out and make sure you're eating properly. Also train your biceps. bodybuilding.com has a forum you can look at and find a lot of different work outs. GL man

    Last edited by Convulsive; 09-23-09 at 01:25 AM. Reason: more advice

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